Iata cateva poze cu florile Caucazului. Din pacate nu stiu sa va spun numele lor sau specia :)
dati click pe poze ca sa le vedeti intregral
Primele doua poze sunt de pe Kazbek
EN: Besides snow covered ridges, high peaks, white bubbled torrents and deep abysses, the Caucasus is also a green mountain, full of flowers, with vegetation that goes higher as in the Carpathians or the Alps/
Here are some of the flower of Caucasus. Unfortunatelly I dont know their names, but enjoy them no mather that.
Click on the picture to see them in full size. First 2 pictures are from Kazbek
Ushba are si o parte inflorata, inainte de zapezile si gheturile vesnice, inspicate cu bolovani
EN: Ushba has also a green and colored side, besides snow and ice.
Florile vegheaza torentul inainte de marele salt - Flowers are watching ower the water just befor the big jump
In parcul national Burjumi Kharagauli am petrecut 2 zile interesante. Aceste parc fac parte dintr-un lant de 9 parcuri similare din Europa, in Romania parcul similar fiind Retezatul. Parcul este o minune inflorata. Judecati si voi ;)
EN: We have spent 2 interesting days in the Burjumi Kharagauli national parc, a flowered marvel, part of chain of 9 national parcs across Europe. Just take a look
Frumos, nu-i asa?
Drept incheiere, o poza din parcul din Borjumi, care este un Herculane gruzin, dar mult mai bine intretinut
EN: Beautiful, isn't it? As an ending, a picture from Burjumi, a Georgian Herculane (mineral water resort 2000 years old from Romania), but much beter maintained.
Georgia - o tara frumoasa
Superbe peisaje si fain prinse pe camera!
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